Medicinal hemp: cannabis and THC in medicine

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Cannabis has long since ceased to be a taboo subject and is the subject of intense debate. With its extensive possibilities and its multifaceted use, it represents an opportunity for many people, not only in medicine. Other areas of application that have already found favour in the past are also common methods today. One can buy it at the Tempe AZ dispensary if they need it.

Cannabis is not only known as an intoxicant and drug, it has also been used in medicine for many years. The medical possibilities of cannabis are very mixed. For some areas of application, it is a positive opportunity, for others, it is not recommended. What is certain is that the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes has a long history.

While cannabis was used as a medicinal plant thousands of years ago, the narcotics law requirements for the approval and prescribing of cannabis-containing finished medicinal products were created in many countries. A mouth spray to treat spasms has been available for several years. Another finished drug with the active ingredient nabilone is said to help against nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy. In principle, the therapeutic use of cannabis must be separated from its use as a drug. Their products, such as marijuana and hashish, are still not marketable.

Medical use of the hemp plant is mainly used for nausea and vomiting in cancer chemotherapy, loss of appetite and emaciation in HIV/AIDS, as well as chronic pain, spasticity and paraplegic diseases. On the other hand, it is not advisable for patients with epilepsy, itching and depression. Above all, CBD has an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

The patient’s illness must first be classified as serious. In the case of illnesses such as cancer, HIV or multiple sclerosis, this is usually not a problem, in the case of illnesses such as rheumatism,  migraines or  ADHD still very controversial.

Furthermore, other standard therapies must be ineffective and have side effects. The use of cannabis must also be promising and be prescribed by a contract doctor. Since these four requirements leave a lot of leeways, it is primarily the responsibility of the doctor to clarify why prescription cannabis is necessary. In principle, all physicians can prescribe cannabis. However, not everyone is well informed and knows when and how the substance works. The doctor should not only be informed in detail about the use of medical cannabis, but he must also explain in detail all therapy options that have already been used in the application.